Checkers/Rally's eLearning Sandwich Tutorial



The videogame tutorial that Checkers/Rally's new hires use for training.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
only woods juku. Next, pick up a premium bun from the bun holding trade. Place the heel or bottom bun in the center of the sandwich wrap. You'll hold the crown or top bun until it's completely dressed. Now we build the sandwich. Remember that the top bun or crown is always dressed first. First, you'll apply half announce of mayonnaise to the crown. Hold the bun at an angle in one hand, then used the spatula to grab about 1/2 announce of mayonnaise from the mandates pan. Use a one down, one across motion to place the sauce on the bun. If you have done it correctly, you won't be able to see any of the bun peeking through. On top of the mayonnaise, you'll place two rings of ketchup. The ketchup is in the red squeeze bottle with the double tip. The double tip means you can apply both rings with one action