

I've been working in the self-help arena doing affirmations, meditations and uplifting visualizations. This is a piece I did and I am responsible for the full production--both the voice and laying in the music. Enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'd like you to use your imagination. Imagine your own mind as a garden. You are the gardener and you are planting seeds. The seeds are your thoughts. All day long you are planting thoughts or seeds in your subconscious mind, based on the way that you normally think the way that you think and you sow the seeds in your subconscious mind are the same way that you will reap the reward in your body and your surroundings. You must begin to sow new seeds. You must plant seeds of peace, happiness, right action, prosperity and wealth. Think quietly right now on the qualities that you would like to so in your garden in your mind and accept them fully in your conscious reasoning mind. Continue to plant these wonderful seeds in the garden of your mind and as they grow you will reap the benefits of your deepest desires. Law of life is the law of belief A bully, a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things that can harm you or dragging down. Believe in the power of your subconscious Mind to heal, strengthen and cause you to succeed What the mind can conceive mind Ken Ichi, you are always on the lookout for good, positive opportunities, new opportunities easily and frequently come your way. You are on top of your game and recognize all opportunities as they occur. You always seem to be right. Please, at the right time, change your thoughts and you change your destiny. See yourself the way you want to be. Visualize yourself right now as the prosperous person that you would like to be realizing that you have a right to be this person you deserve prosperity, prosperity, health and happiness or natural me. Eagerness, sickness and sadness are unnatural. Therefore, imagine the natural you as that healthy, happy and prosperous person get it clearly in your mind. What are you wearing? What are you doing? Focus on how you are feeling emotionally and physically as this healthy, happy and prosperous person see yourself new longer having stress from bills as we now have more than enough money to pay bills, invest in your business, your future and even plenty for vacation and travel. You now have more than enough. This person that you are imagining right now is you accept it as you allow it to become you as you accept it and acknowledge yourselves as this healthy, happy and prosperous person. So will it become commit everything about this person to memory, how you look, how you feel and how you are acting so you can remember and to see yourself as this person as often as possible, As long as you can keep these positive thoughts and memories alive, they will become your reality. You keep moving forward. You no longer accept things as they are. You are always keeping yourself positive and never give up. You keep on pushing onward and moving upward.