Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Tish Iceton
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Soothing , professional , inspiring , motherly , raspy , quirky , sincere , believable , natural

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Since 18 75 Bolivia has been a proud contributor to New York's culture of innovation. We salute her favorite solar powered Christmas tree, strung with 45,000 led lights stretching almost the perimeter of Central Park Belova. Ah, history of modern Your face is a work of art. Every curve, every detail, with a simple stroke of a pen. An artist can change the image, but when the tool is a syringe or an injectable drug or filler, those changes can be serious or even permanently disfiguring. You opened your heart to him, and yesterday you found him making small talk with a snow bunny he met in the ski enthusiasts chat room. Delete him. There's a cream chest has been trusted to care for skin for 100 years. Across all generations, we were always just that. 100 years of skin care for life. The redesign. Six cylinder BMW three series. Once you drive one, you'll never go back. Sometimes nothing consumed about a mother's touch toe warm the soul to coax a giggle from inside a tear with a gentle touch and a puffs plus