Radio host for sales reps

Radio Ad


A radio parody which was disseminated to sales reps for migraine medication.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to our first edition of F. R. O. V. A. Live on 2.5, a radio show dedicated to Provo Reps. I'm your host. Trip 10 and I'm really welcome. Do we have a reality show for you? One will really get hooked on. Yeah, and nobody has to marry a stranger or eat work. That's a relief. So thank you, Dan and Regime for sharing your successes on our first segment of Provo live. And thanks to all of you repped out there who won't settle for less than success, we look forward to next time. Until then, keep a heads up for the D fire, which you won't want to miss. Sharing success stories, gaining insight from thought leaders and diving to exciting new contests are only a small part of what awaits you from New York. This is Trip Tan