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1) \"Calcutta Rescue\": video on charitable organization that delivers health & education services in India.
2) Instructional Video for Nursing Home Staff (dealing with swallowing & choking)
3) \"Go Local\" Radio Ad for Historic Farmers' Market Cooperative
4) CBC Radio: Greek Environmental Issues
5) Excerpt from the novel \"In The Hand of Dante\" by Nick Tosches

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - Maritimes) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What these smiling faces do not show is the harsh reality of their home environments, where safety, sanitation and privacy are a challenge. This is what our camera discovered when following some of these young people back to wear home really is way often take the ability to swallow safely for granted. Perhaps that's because the average person swallows more than 1000 times a day without giving it much thought. Swallowing is actually quite complex. 25 muscles and six cranial nerves are required to work together to ensure safe swallowing. Florida, South Africa, Mexico, California whose Dunmore World traveling in the past month. You or your groceries? Time to go local. That's the sound of a major Greek environmental problem. Ah, hotel room toilet in Athens, which won't stop running in a city of four million people. And in a country with so little precipitation, all the running toilets, dripping taps, leaky pipes and poor capture of rainfall add up to something worse than a bothersome sound. In fact, the people of the greater Athens area consume more water than in any other urban center in Europe. A 1,000,000 hundreds is heavy. I've called the accountant and told him to wire it to Julie ETA's account in Milan. You'll hear from me. I told him I can't explain. I've called Giulietta and given her the transfer number. You'll hear from me. I told her I can't explain better. She should have my money if I'm dead anyway, I order a pizza. Listen to Bach cello Sonatas. I eat the pizza. Listen to jumping, Jack Flash, I look around, priced my library. All these beautiful books. I'll buy new ones. There's no reading lamp in a graveyard. I know I don't. For a while I wake up. The light is strange. His night coming or ending? I make coffee. I take a Valium. Ah, hot bath! A shave! I shot the music.