Marv Allen 'industrial-travel' demo cold


Vocal Characteristics




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At first glance, the capital of Cambodia bears a strong resemblance to many cities of Southeast Asia. Heavy motorcycle traffic and bustling activity abound amid an urban way of life that can be both hectic and laid back within the many markets found throughout the city. The industrious locals worked tirelessly to make ends meet. Just another day of business in Nam drying through ST Roch, a tough New Orleans neighborhood northeast of the French Quarter, and you'll travel down street after street of shockingly dilapidated houses. Many are abandoned, some still marked by the spray painted orange crosses of the rescue workers who searched for survivors and Bondi's in the days after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. And anyone who thinks these big machines are soulless contraptions should listen to Richard Jacobson. The LHC is replacing a particle detector he worked with for a decade. He came to know every inch of that instrument. He understood its moods and idiosyncrasies. The day the engineers came to rip it out, Jacobson was overcome with emotion