Electoral Commission Online Animation Voice Over



Internet animation voice over for the Scottish Electoral Commission used during the Scottish Independent Referendum.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
voting is really easy. But remember, if you're not registered, you won't be able to vote. If you register to vote, you'll be sent a card in the post before the referendum. Keep an eye out for it. It's called a pool card, and it tells you where and when you can vote on polling day. Just pop along your polling station. You don't even have to take your pool card with you, so don't worry. If you can't find it on the day you can vote without it, you're polling station will be open from seven in the morning till 10 at night. Don't worry if you're not sure what to do. Once you get inside at every polling station, staff will be on hand to help. Great. So now you're in the polling station. Staff will ask your name and address and make sure you're on the register. Then they'll give you your ballot paper. The ballot paper will contain the question. Should Scotland be an independent country, you mark your choice by putting a cross in the yes of the no box. Don't write anything else in the ballot paper or your fault might not count polling stations close at 10 PM, so make sure you get there in plenty of time. After the polls close, the votes are counted and the referendum result will be declared. Visit about my fault dot co dot UK to download a registration form now.