Commercial - Allyce Beasley

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Television Ad

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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Green Mountain. We had quite the office romance. We started every day together when things started to crumble because gas was being used to prevent gas. Meet me in the break room me a little stud muffin. I'll take Beano before and there be no gas. It's another seven morning and time for our bagel. Today we're tasting two of the best known Philadelphia flavors on Blueberry Over this spice toasted bagel. Be still my heart. I couldn't believe it was me, so I said, Oh, pardon me, but this room was taken. I mean, this wonder bra gave me something I hadn't had before. I think they called a figure. A sponge can hold germs. Paper towels don't disinfect to shreds. Get dirty, Try Clorox. Disinfecting wipes. They clean and disinfect in one easy step Clorox Disinfecting wipes The better way to wipe up over Bill. What we know you love. Take McMuffins, Bill and we know how delicious they are. What? You've been ordering a McMuffin every single morning at McDonald's for 10 years. Build. Yeah, but I love breakfast. Bill, try something. Now I spin spin, spin span, Great taste of spam is calling horning in on my Philadelphia Gates open days if I blow him off, but one has to be nice. Appear