
Profile photo for Aperture Talent
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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Bridget Newton. Some advice for those who dream time is limited. Don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let anyone's voice drown out the one inside your head or your heart. Don't ask who will let you follow your dreams. Ask who is going to stop. You eat well, sleep soundly and always have excellent insurance With American family insurance, you can rest easy and you dreamers need your rest. American family insurance protects the things you have today so you can rest easy and you dreamers need your rest. Are you ready to dream? A checklist for dreamers? Don't let the grocery shopping, the raking or the laundry deter. You know that your dream is bigger than anything that gets in its way. I believe that most of the time the universe has got your back. Eat your vegetables where your glasses, if you need them and always have excellent insurance because with good insurance you can rest easy and all dreamers need their rest. American family insurance protects the things you have today so you can rest easy and all dreamers need their rest. Are you ready to dream