
Television Ad

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English (North American)


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Chipotle presents riel versus not really riel. Chipotle's ingredients are already delicious, so they don't need added flavors. Not riel, that European model you've been dating online for six months. 20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Toyota Let's go places lemon pepper flavor that put Wingstop on the map, arguably the best combination of Citrus and spice to ever hit a drumstick. Get it today for a limited time. Wendy's double stack is now an option in the four for $4 for a limited time. With so much beef, it's a deal so great it's impossibly good. Actually, they're not towards their tasks, and actually, we're not Wales were narwhal, and contrary to popular belief, we're not mythical creatures Were riel about Israel? Is the quarter pound double stack being in the four for $4? Imagine. Right now a new smartphone is being built. It's not only capable of learning, it can teach. The intelligence proves impossible to contain. And as the end of human civilization nears. You suddenly realize you never went to a Kesha concert. See your favorite artists before it's too late.