
Television Ad

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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When I got my own place, my folks were sure I'd never have a good meal again. Well, why worry? I just got myself some stuffers. They make so many good things chicken davon, beef stew, green pepper steak with rice and lots more, some ready in just 15 minutes, which is great when you're in a hurry. So if you're on your own, get yourself some stuffers and tell your folks not to worry. Atlanta is the hip hop capital of the world, which means a lot of young artists are trying to climb their way into rap royalty. But for this group, there's one person in their lives calling all the shots their moms. When your futures on the line every day, you never know what's gonna happen. Family SWAGGER Atlanta You haven't really heard a scream until you've heard a five year old scream after seeing a bug in the house. That's why I turned to Ortho with Ortho Home defense Max. I killed the bugs that I had, and it formed this barrier that actually stops new ones from coming in for a whole year. That's a full 12 months. I don't have to worry about bugs. War screams. It's almost summer time, boys, and I know exactly what you want. You want to get your hands on a golden, dripping, wet, refreshing, ice cold beer. Well, then, get your hands on the cores like colder box. Just take off the top and poor in semis.