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There are many dangers in the desert with Tuesday night on FS one. Cardinals face a danger like no other. Arizona's six foot three home run monster Paul Goldschmidt. It ISS gone. Cardinals Diamondbacks Tuesday at nine. Eastern on FS one. From the spirited star for your successes, struggles and stories from the most grueling 24 hour event. A full afternoon of the world's toughest mudder Christmas Day on CBS Sports January 21st live on Spike Enemy legends. Tito Warty Shell Sauna is just another Children. You know something? This is the bad boy versus the bad guy. No more words, just mmh. Presented by Miller Lite Live. Saturday, January 21st on Spike Thank you for the crowds for the strength you bring in numbers and the roar you create when this team takes the ice for having a favorite player on watching alone on your couch for wearing your favorite bolt shirt and keeping an eye on the standings way. Play this game for you and for letting us do that, all we can say thank you. Jimmy Johnson makes his run for a record tying seventh championship, rising to the ranks of the most revered Legends of the Sport. Sprint Cup Championship Next Sunday at two Eastern on NBC Alex Rodriguez plays his final game in pinstripes with raised battle the Yankees Friday at seven Eastern on Fox.