Jonathan Cormur - Animation

Profile photo for Jonathon Cormur
Not Yet Rated

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Behold microwave pizza, You pathetic humans! Soon the entire world will be under my control. Hey, baby, how about I give you a fool? Many people have tested my limits in the past. I suggest you ask them how it turned out. Your wishes will come true. Get those people to safety. I'm counting on you. Yeah, brought those waves were hashtag tasty. Tell me the location, boy, or you'll be taking a long walk off a short play. Yes, yes, my master. It shall gratify me to do your bidding town both missing. You gotta believe me. Some with my own two eyes. One car wash, please. My Gless dirty. Excuse me. What are you doing with that cat? No need to thank me, madam. All in a day's work. I'm sorry about the explosion.