Sally Dana - Fem Animation

Profile photo for Sally Dana
Not Yet Rated

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. You've reached the devil's answering machine. Please leave a message after the beep. Leaving a message with the devil may cause burning, chafing, aging, hair loss, hair growth, blindness or vomiting while your head is turning around like Linda Blair's head in The Exorcist. Quiet! I'm trying to play a game that trivializes guns. Oh, yeah? Come to Mama. Damn it. My retainer fell out. Oh, come on, please. I don't care how you do it, but you've got to get me out of this. It's you. You're the one who kidnapped her power. Suicidal jumper. It's Carson Daly. Oh, Diane MTV. Yeah, Apartment two B was the dirtiest department of all, and naturally, it had an indigenous cockroach population. Some of the other girls going over Starbucks to grab a lot and talk about sonar the flesh peelers lawn. Have you noticed it lightly? All right. There's no need to be afraid, girls, if he shows up, I'll kick is dirty. But oh, my God. Look, he's chucking you out. I love rodeo way. Welcome to the big leagues. Like the Mets want you for a second base. Bobby had another little episode today. Yeah, some Children were burned. Nothing too serious. What really counts is not the size of your breast, but the size of the heart that's behind them.