
Profile photo for Stars The Agency
Not Yet Rated
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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
handcrafted to the smallest detail. Turning leaf wine. Not your average baby backs new double glazed ribs at T G I. Fridays. Okay. Doing slalom run with Jessica. Michael Jessica Better give her head. Start only nine. I once had a great career on both. Gone, Louis. I lost Mackenzie. Honey, you'll never guess what I bought a kangaroo. Oh, no, no, no. Down, Down! Make a digital wish come true. Give her a Fuji camera. Now that you've got the right shoe on your rat fish, take your shoe laces and hold them out straight. Just like the tadpole. Snail fish, Can you hear me? You hear me? Now you stop doing that jackhammer thing! Can't you see I'm on the phone? You may never have toe lift the lid again. HB Skandia 5500 c