
Profile photo for Stars The Agency
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English (North American)


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at U S Cellular. We'd like to ask you a quick question about family. How much does it cost to raise a child? And I'm not talking about just a year, but the whole thing, you know, all the way from diapers to diploma on page 30 player now available in the new 268 horsepower carrying camera. Dave, about last night. Last night? Yeah, at my mother's for dinner. That was a problem. Well, Dave, it was the whole blackjack thing. You don't have to sit in the first position. Well, I wanted to be next to the dealer. The dealer is my mother, and I will thank you to call her that. Fine. What else? Well, when my mom was serving you potatoes, you kept saying, Hit me. I wanted to hear it. Then you told her and I quote, quit dealing me this garbage. You know, 90% of all dieters regain their original weight within five years. Join the 10% who don't New curve cereal change for good. Graham, get your head out of the toaster. There is a place called Hidden Valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can give enough. Hidden Valley Ranch makes vegetables delectable.