
Profile photo for Stars The Agency
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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sharon Coleman. When baby boomers get older, will they take retirement Lying down? New Answers About Aging America Tonight 11 only on K P I X, Channel five. You need to see your gynecologist, you know immediately. But you can't do that because according to your health plan, you have to first see your primary care physician explain to him your needs and assuming he agrees that you are in fact in need, he gives you. Yes, they couldn't help noticing from across the room, my friend said, You mean the one in the Blue Blazer? And I said No, the guy who's spreading cholesterol on his bag. Thanks for calling the bearings. Your hotline for social correctness. Hi, you're on the air. How do you recognize and all may face? Is it the dramatic eyes, the healthy blush? Sexy lips? Of course, it's nothing. It's stalling. John, I really need my car for business. I really need my car time. No car, no business. Can't do business without my car.