TJ Del Reno - Commercial

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics


English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
T J Del Reno. Respect it, dude, we're so going to Wisconsin and it's gonna rock on. Let me tell Lisa. Yo, Lisa, I'm going on a three day music fast with Steve. Do not going to this concert. You know that guy on the street corner and orange footie pajamas with foil on his head, yelling about the voices beam to him from outer space? Guess what? He's right. And now you can hear them to the Samsung. Next. This portable satellite radio plays MP threes and live and prerecorded except content, all being directly to you. This day is awesome for football, but it is really hot out and it's making my blue black makeup run. Jersey is ruined. Here's my true castle story. Back in high school, I started a slider for president. Write in campaign as a prank. The slider didn't win, but it did get 20% of the vote. Steve, could you please turn the music down? If you don't watch this, they've got all kinds of concerts, meets a teensy blue room, have out some hip hop. Steve. Contrary Deve, how about alternative? No, I'm giving birth drum solo