Commercial Reel-Dennis Mailu

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dennis My Lou. Welcome to a place of learning and imagination. A place of wonder, exploration and fun. Isn't that what childhood is about? Playschool? A proud supporter of PBS kids. When you've played a guitar for years, every scratch thing on one out friend means something made to be played. She doesn't talk about her bruises. She doesn't talk about her depression. She doesn't talk about her missing days at work. So how do you tell Ive noticed If your friend is a victim of domestic abuse, talk to her about it. And don't stop talking until the violence stops. Come on, you can do it. Just 30 seconds of blistering. Think of all the germs you killing with the time every time introducing Dove promises. Some moments are so delicious. Why Russia dove