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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today where bear taunting with world champion Bear Taunter Dan cake dance turning around. He's undoing his belt. Oh, man, he's moving The bear. Dan is moving, but they're bears. Got everybody. Hi, I'm here to look at your backyard in my backyard. Yes, you see experience, Columbus Days is happening right in your backyard. That sounds fun. But not happening in my backyard is a little hard to swallow. You know what isn't hard to swallow? We've got a right first. What is in and out? Terrific. A double double fries truck thing here. You know this airplane food's getting better all the time here. Santa Claus and Ebony's Air Scrooge with the top 10 reasons to redeem your shop and save green points. Number seven. Your entire family is coming for a holiday Bill Whole 36 of them. Mrs. Taylor, how can I help you? Yes, doctor. I'm hearing things like strange voices. No steel drums. My name is Don Juan dela player, and I am the world's greatest shrimp lover. They're delicious. Taste the Pink Rose Scholar. Their money. Abundance. They're wonderful curves. All of these drives on one Della player, the world's greatest shrimp lover, while with anguish, passion. It's all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster