Commercial - British - Susanna Baddiel

Profile photo for CESD - NY
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics


English (British)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if this is a revolution where every molecule of the human environment will be bathed in intelligence. The heart of this revolution is a force called Intel. Theo. Jet age began the most glamorous mode of travel the world has ever seen. If you flew, you were participating in something important. Highlights were heroes, and flight attendants were goddesses. It was all so new. And so it was all such an event, an event that communicated to the world. I'm important and I'm definitely somebody you need to know. It still does her virginity Plant rich butter cookie. How lovely thou art so perfectly rectangular with images of royal chess pieces upon thy noble face. Me thinks it fit for a cream that soft. I will make Justman my own. Chanel introduces a master plan to massage away wrinkles and all other signs of age on a levels of the skin. Ultra correction first and only one of its kind to restore youthful skin with absolute precision. After 63 years of turning heads, we thought it time to change some minds. Call 1 804 Jaguar for our complimentary video and see how the V eight Jaguars have changed some of the most discriminating minds in the industry, then see how they'll change every day. In so many ways, Johnson's touches people, not just babies. People of all ages way tell the world we will care for you. We will be here for you throughout your life, and we tell the world you'll always be our baby.