Florence Fox Goes To School - A children's story - Friendly, Warm



Gentle read-through of soon-to-be-published children's picture book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Florence Fox goes to school due to a mix up at the hospital. One day, Baby Florence went home with a pair of loving foxes instead of her real parents. Florence didn't mind. Her early years were wild and happy. She played wonderful games in the woods with her brothers and sisters, and she loved to explore the big city at night. Florence did take a while to get used to the traditional foxy diet of Berries, fruit and weird looking crunchy bugs. By her fifth birthday, she was the best runner, climber and jumper among all her forest friends, and she was brilliant at hide and seek. She also had to start school one Monday morning and excited. Florence got up before sunrise and arrived at the school gates nice and early. Her first day had its highs. She enjoyed puzzles because, like most Fox's, she was an excellent problem solver, and she was very good at wiping down the chalkboard. Her first day also had its lows. Her manners at lunchtime were appalling, and afternoon playtime got very out of hand. Mystified, Florence was marched off to the school office. Florence, you've just eaten the school mascot. You cannot do this sort of thing at school, explained Mrs Clack. Florence was confused. She had loved her first day, and she told her Forest friends all about it when she got home. Unfortunately, Tuesday wasn't much better on Florence. His behaviour got even worse. She buried Mrs Clacks egg and cheese sandwiches and sand pit for later, and she invited all her forest friends to a school pool party. Once again, Florence had to face Mrs Clack, and once again Florence couldn't understand why she was in trouble. Florence had to write 100 times year threes. Vegetable Garden is not for that. Florence is. Parents weren't happy, either, so that night she had to eat her least favourite dinner. But later, Florence crept back into school. She swept the sand pit, sort off. She cleans the school pool, sort off. She also planted a new vegetable garden for year three sort off. Florence even made a new school mascot to cheer up her class. When school began that morning, no one could believe their eyes. As a reward, Mrs Clack let Florence compete in the big sports day. After all, she was the best runner, climber and jumper the other schools didn't stand a chance. Florence won everything. Her school friends had a new hero, and even Mrs Clack smiled. Florence loved school and promised to be a good little fox in the future. Sort off. Luckily, she was pretty inside, hide and seek.