Movie Trailer - Unplanned Radio Ad

Movie Trailers

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
unplanned. A true story of one woman's journey Across the lifeline. This is Abby. She's our newest volunteer. Escort Abby Johnson with passionate about a woman's right to choose. I'm not going to apologize for doing a job that helps women in crisis. She rose in the ranks of the world's largest abortion providers, and the award goes to Abby Johnson. Until the day she saw something that changed, everything just moved away from the catheter. They always move, that's why Do it this way. What she saw changed her heart was like twisting and finding changed her mind. Tiny it was just God. They tried to silence her. Don't underestimate the repercussions of this. You gotta be careful. But nothing could hold her back from exposing the truth. Congratulations. You've managed to make an enemy of one of the most powerful organizations on theaters. Now rated R. Under 17 not admitted without parent