Deep, friendly, warm style of narrating children story



Voice modulation, Pronunciation, maintaining interest levels and bringing in excitement and suspense through story telling!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the line and the mouse One hot day. Ah, line was asleep in a cave. Suddenly a little Most ran words Ball The line woke up with a loud drawer. He grabbed the mouse with a SPO and said, I'm going to kill you and eat you up. Squeak, Squeak, please, Mr Lime, Please don't eat me Someday I will help you. Ha ha! You help me. Don't make me love. But I'm not that hungry. So I will let you go. The line laughed and loved, and the mouse ran home. A few days later, the line was out in the jungle. I think I will scare my friends. I'm very scary because I am king off the jungle. Suddenly the line got caught in a trap and said, Oh dear, how we, like get out off here. After a while he heard some elephants, Elephants, elephants! Please help me! Oh no! We will not help you then. Ah, Future offs passed by. He cried. Jiro saves Gee, Rose believes, helped me cheat off said, Oh, no, really will not help you. The line group called and hungry on began to think hey would never get home to as nice, warm gave. Then he heard the hissing off snakes speaks Sneaks! Help! Help me! The lions! It! Oh, no! We will not help you! As night came, line began to cry. I'm stuck in this truck and none of my friends will help me. Then they heard some owls hooting in the trees. Old old, please help me to eat. To who? We will not help you. The whole set The Lion Waas. Very sad. He didn't know what to to. Then he heard this creaking off a mouse. Squeak, Squeak! Why are you crying, Mr Lyman? I'm stuck in this trap. Nobody will help me. I will help you. The most set from then on the line and the mouse were very good friends. The lesson of the story is bigger is not always better.