Joe Murray Demo Reel - Commercials

Video Narration


Texture of Joe's voice is described by renowned Hollywood TV director/voicing coach, Marice Tobias, as \"dark honey.\" Versatility and range are his trademarks, allowing him to tackle productions in multiple genres.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we believe that a building is more than the sum of its parts. Steel, glass space, light ventilation. This's my BlackBerry smartphone. It's with me. Wherever I go. I get my e mails instantly, even when I'm not in the office. Introducing a new brand clear scalp and hair beauty therapy with nutrients it deeply nourishes to feed your scalp. Clear gets you stronger, more beautiful hair in just seven days on Lee, when a car defined an era when it became a way of life on ly. When today's car is already anticipating tomorrow, can it then become car for as long as we can remember, It's been man against the elements elements that can threaten the same elements that create life and give us energy on energy to change. Nothing captures imagination like beauty of innovation. The S K two magic ring measures your skin to find out your true skin age. Take the S K two magic rain test today, celebrating 30 years advancing for the good of all bank Islam. This is where you can always is where legends are born