Ashley Z : Breyer’s Ice Cream

Profile photo for Ashley Z
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This client endorsement spot won the company-wide iHeartRadio Influencer Award in 2019. As the main personality (host), I was in charge of the creation of this spot from start to finish, all aspects included.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's always time for ice cream. Hey, it's actually easy talking about briars. Their brand new too. And once the hit of the summer, I thought my favorite was going to stay the Orio on the chips Ahoy. But I've just discovered the new two in one flavor Snickers and Eminem. Wait, wait, wait. I gotta tell you this Orio Chips ahoy! 12 for one. Brought in the freakin Rican, He's gonna tell us what he likes. Say hey to the people Freaking read so good. I mean, I could eat this whole thing by myself, but I gotta try that Snickers, Uh, that you have that look so yummy. Not even using a bowl. I'm sorry. I'm straight out of the car, E alright, what's your favorite for this? I love this man. Come on all summer long and there's more to this heathen waffle cone. He'll have to try that one. Yeah, right. Yes. Oh, my goodness is so good. All the barbecue's going on this summer. All the things Like, who would go crazy for this? Do you think every little kid that runs to the ice cream truck Oh, yeah. This will make your day and his way less dangerous and sprinting after advance. This is so fantastic. The new Briars two and won their magical get him now at any giant eagle.