Senior male

Profile photo for Bob Bavnani
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Experience is indeed the best teacher. This demo showcases a senior male's reflection on his legacy.

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North American (General)


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not so well. That is why I'm here today. I have an appointment to see Dr Smith. I'm sorry, I don't have my V H I C card on my driver's license with me today. Sure. My full name is Joni Leigh. And my birthday is March 13 1949? Yes, that's right. It's 345 West Mill Road. Alexandria. My, how this little town has changed. See, when I was last here Well, I think I've reinvented myself more times in 70 than I did all my previous years. There's been jacked. A chef, Jack, the fishermen, Jack the woodworker. Jack the hiker. Apparently, some people don't know Jack, I've been waiting for you. Your powers are strong. I can feel it now. You'll have to pay for it. And not only you. Your hair's will pay. Place your crown on the altar. The relics have given new power. Too much power. The other day, a good friend asked me why I only buy pain from X y Z pain store. My answer was I really don't know. But after thinking for a second, I said I trust them. I've had many projects over the years and kept going back to my one and only paint store because I'm in their computer and year after year, when I need touch up to reduce, they perfectly match exactly what I want with what I need. Sleep was precious and you slept in snatches, always ready to be called to duty. It was really noisy. Sometimes. Even so, you would be amazed how you could sleep. You could sleep on a steel deck. It's so very disappointing and it makes us very sad. It's so bad that we shudder when we think of our old pals running around in civilian clothes with all the shapely gals.