A Reading of The Negro by W.E.B Dubois

Profile photo for Madison Holley
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I read an excerpt from Dubois' book in various voices, ranging from slow and melodic to active and enthusiastic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. My name is Maeve, and today I'll be reading the ***** by W. E. B. Dubois and bearing voices. Africa is at once the most romantic, and the most tragic of continents is very names, reveals Mr and Wide reaching influence is the Ethiopia of the Greek, the Kush and punts of the Egyptian and the Arabian land of the blacks to modern Europe. It is a dark continents and land of contrasts. In literature, it is the heat of the Sphinx and the lotus eaters, The home of the dwarfs, gnomes and pixies and the refuge of the gods in commerce is a slave marts and the source of ivory, ebony, rubber, gold and diamonds. What other continent can rival in interest in ancient of days? Africa is at once the most romantic and the most tragic of continents. It's very names reveal its mystery. In wide reaching influence is the Ethiopia of the Greek, the Kush and punts of the Egyptian and the Arabian land of the Blacks. Tomorrow in Europe, it is the dark continent, and land of contrasts. In literature is the seat of the Sphinx and lotus eaters, the home of the dwarfs, gnomes and pixies and the refuge of the gods in commerce. It is a slave mark and the source of ivory, ebony, rubber, gold and diamonds. What other constant can rival the interest is ancient of days. Africa is at once the most romantic, and the most tragic of continents is very names reveal its mystery and wide reaching influence is the Ethiopia of the Greek, the cushion punts of the Egyptian and the Arabian land of the Blacks. Tomorrow in Europe, it is the dark content and land of contrasts. And literature is the seat of the Sphinx and lotus eaters, the home of the dwarfs, gnomes and pixies and the refuge of the gods. In commerce. It is the slave mark and the source of ivory, ebony, rubber, gold and diamonds. What other constant can rival in interest is ancient of days.