Mixed Demo including ads and a excerpt about pirates



This track includes excerpts from an ad for Liberty Tax Service and Doctor on Demand. There is also a selection from the National Geographic special edition on Pirates.

I am the main voice on this track. I also did the engineering.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Since 1997. Liberty tax has helped millions of Americans get their largest possible refund. We offer free tax consultations in office drop off and online tax prep loans and a variety of other services. The way we name things in the sky is always changing. It's a reflection of shifting cultures on earth as much as a means of labeling in the sky. Recently, astronomers discovered two small moons orbiting Pluto, bringing the dwarf planet's total known moons to five As those two moons awaited their formal names. Pluto's retinue of satellites comprised Karen Nix, Hydra, P four and P five. In the words of the french historian, hubert de Shon pirates were unique race born of the sea and of a brutal dream. A free people detached from other human societies and from the future without Children and without old people, without homes and without cemeteries, without hope, but not without audacity. A people for whom. Atrocity was a career choice and death. A certitude of the day after tomorrow.