Flight Onboard Announcement

Profile photo for Alain Ralph Arabe
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


this demo showcases a deep male voice over in a calm and professional manner

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my boo. Hi. And welcome to Philippine Airlines. We care about your safety. Please tell your baggage in the overhead bins are under the seats in front of you. This is a non smoking flight. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is not allowed. Thank you for flying Philippine Airlines. The heart of the Filipino Mom. Boo! Hi. And welcome to Philippine Airlines. We care about your safety. Please store your baggage in the overhead bins. We're under the seats in front of you. This is a non smoking flight. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is not allowed. Thank you for flying Philippine Airlines, the heart of the Filipino.