Non-fiction Explorer's Story Excerpt

Profile photo for Aaron Wilson
Not Yet Rated


Excerpt from the book The Great Game.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it was now dark, and for once the british cut the afghans off their guard. Although not for long. The tribesmen had constructed a formidable barrier across the narrow gorge, intending to fire down on the red coats as it forced them to a halt, but not expecting the british to move at night, they had left it unmanned yet even as the troops were trying to tear it down with their bare hands, the afghans discovered what was happening and attacked them from the rear. The confusion was now terrible road, Brydon, all discipline was at an end. It was every man for himself. In the darkness, he suddenly realized he was surrounded. Before he could ride off he was dragged from his horse and fell by a savage cut from a long afghan knife. Had he, not, by a miracle, had a copy of Blackwood's magazine stuffed in his cap, it would undoubtedly have killed him.