Animation Demo

Profile photo for Aaron LaPlante
Not Yet Rated


These samples were taken directly from the shows they were used in.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Aaron Low plant great warriors of past I. This samurai has failed his purpose on has accepted his fate. Oh, I do love a good song. Come follow me on the mountain peak. Maria, Maria, I'll use my hoops. And you, your beak! Maria! So glad you could make it to my big gross spider ham. Prepare to be honey glaze. Erred! Do you have any last word? Yes. I want to thank you for your generous hospitality during my stay and allow me to apologize for my behavior. I was simply not accustomed to the many beeps and alarms within Crack Ridge. Look around. We've gone from the hypothetical to the old. Just as I'm sure you're aware A fall from up here in certain death, you know, likely event. We experience the sun drop in cabin pressure. OxiClean we'll wait. A little samurai sympathizer and quite pretty one. Nobody's going home until we have an interesting conversation about cheese. I'm gonna let you kids in on a little secret. I'm not really your uncle. I killed him and stuff him under the floor. Booth. I'm just kidding. I'm probably You're uncle attack Last heart of a little warrior is mine. If my power was great before now it is limitless. If and when you're eliminated, you must set up a bunch of shame forever, Not forever for like, a half hour. When I'm done with this entertainment room, everyone's gonna wanna hang, they'll be all. What are you doing to Dio? And I'll be all hanging out in my entertainment room. All that's left to do now is plug in the TV, We're gonna rip you apart in a bunch of pieces and then we're gonna take those pieces on, rip them apart and even more pieces.