Insurance Radio Advert

Video Narration


All voices rendered by me.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
see I started my poultry business with just one federal foul, one feather. Look at me today. Look at me today. You see you need to aspire to perspire then desire to be fire and motivational speaker farmers don't mind the more deer farmers. Listen, you need more than just the motivation aspect to succeed in your farm business. Now, you need the right cover that will secure your investments, which will be done, pushed your harvest. You need lead wing and greek insurance. With the late were greek insurance, you've got the right cover for your farm, farm produce, scraps, poultry, fishery, livestock, farm machinery and equipment, amongst others. It also covers for fire damages arising from push burning or forest fires, all at no extra cost. Don't label in vain secure your investments today with the lead way greek insurance lately, assurance, ensuring happiness since 1970.