Percy Jackson Part 2, Showing a little more character

Profile photo for Andrew Burr
Not Yet Rated


This sample was to try and show a little more emotion and range of my voice. My voice can have more range and emotion but I wanted to keep with the audiobook feel and pace since it was a book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the month I'd been gone. The apartment had turned into *** bland garbage was ankle deep on the carpet. The sofa had been re upholstered with beer cans, dirty socks and underwear hung off the lamp shades. Gabe and three of his big gooney friends were playing poker at the table when Gabe saw me, his cigar dropped out of his mouth. His face got redder than lava. You got some nerve coming here, you little punk. I thought the police, he's not a fugitive after all. My mom interjected. Isn't that wonderful? Gabe? Gabe looked back and forth between us. He didn't seem to think my homecoming was so wonderful Bad enough. I had to give back your life insurance money sally, he growled. Give me the phone. I'm calling the cops, Gabe. No. He raised his eyebrows. Did you just say no? You think I'm going to put up with this punk again? I can still press charges against him for ruining my Camaro. But he raised his hand and my mother flinched for the first time I realized something. Gabe had hit my mother. I didn't know when or how much, but I was sure he'd done it. Maybe it had been going on for years when I wasn't around