Aimee Castle - Narration

Profile photo for Abrams Artists - LA
Not Yet Rated
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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the pageant world is all about you. Perfection. Let's get any better and winning with cold, hard cash. But the quest for beauty isn't always pretty. In this toddlers and tiaras special, we take a look back at the most over the top moments in our pageant history from our favorite divas, Teoh, unforgettable performances and, of course, lots of mama drama on toddlers and tiaras. Most memorable moments there's an tiaras wouldn't be what it is without the most important element Kids way. Start off by remembering our top 10 most beloved toddler moments. A lot goes into preparing for a pageant nails you on cue from that length of mine now hair makeup, tanning and the first most memorable moment at number 10. Glimpsing your horse, of course.