Guy Next Door Commercial Samples

Television Ad


Here are some samples of Ace's work in radio, television, web commercials and more!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There is a place you think, you know, one place where the river runs backwards twice a day, M. C. Serves up all the music videos you could ever want on demand. That's right. We said all the videos you want on demand when you want them. Keeping your business on course requires a steady hand to learn more. Go to think green dot com, whether it's copies a stapler or an unexpected treat, guests should feel good about getting the job done because I've got their back, the Ohio lottery, The folks with the gifts people actually want presents, the holiday commercial people actually want. I try to stay one step ahead, find ways to make things a little easier so they can be productive and have time to unwind.