Audition for Job #288153

Profile photo for Angela Dias
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This was an audition I did but unfortunately did not make the deadline cutoff in time. (Got time zones confused)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
high Over the next 10 days, I'm gonna show you a really simple way of getting some more meditation in your life. If you haven't watched the introduction animation yet, you're probably gonna want to do that before we begin. Don't worry if you've never done anything like this before, this is a really straightforward technique, and I'm gonna talk you through every step of the way. But all we need to do right now is to sit back and relax, So make sure you're sitting comfortably. I'd actually like you to begin with your eyes open and just taking a deep breath breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth as you breathe in, Just feeling the longs expand as they fill with air. And as you breathe out, just feeling the body soften a little bit as you gently close your eyes. Just allow the breath to return to its natural rhythm in and out of the nose. And as you pause for a moment just noticing the feeling of the body, the weight of the body pressing down against the seat beneath you contact of the feet on the floor in the hands and the arms on the legs, noticing any sounds around you. And as you pause, just noticing how the body feels starting to notice how the body's breathing, that movement of breaths in the body so some people feel it in their stomach. For others, it's in the chest or around the diagram, not breathing in any special way, but just starting to notice that rising and falling sensation. If you can't feel anything, just gently placing your hand on the stomach. Now, as you follow that movement, the mind will wander away almost inevitably. No problem if it does perfectly natural. But as soon as you realize it's wandered, just acknowledge that and letting it go and just coming back again to that rising and falling sensation.