Spiders: Non-fiction Audiobook

Profile photo for Adam Casciaro
Not Yet Rated


One chapter of a non-fiction audiobook about Spiders.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from the outside, their apology. Spiders and skinny spiders, short ones and lanky ones. Some there's flatters pancakes, but whatever their shape, all spiders come in two halves. These are technically known as the pro soma Andi, A ****** the SoMa, but they are the head on the body. To most people, many readers will probably be happy to call them the front and rear halves, even though the episode the Soma, commonly known as the abdomen, is usually a good deal larger than the pro soma, The two regions are joined by a petite waist known as the Pettus. Oh, Like all arthropods, the spiders have a fairly tough outer skeleton. Although it is not particularly ******* the rear half of the body, it is often quite soft. The skeleton contains a waxy layer, but it is not completely waterproof on most miners died very quickly in dry air through losing water by evaporation.