Video Game Character Demo

Profile photo for Adam Huff
Not Yet Rated


Recorded in my home studio. Directed by Paul Liberti in NYC. Additional audio mixing and editing by John Robnett.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
don't give up not like this. Do you still believe in me santa in us? Come to me, please. Not a word. Let's try to keep that lovely little neck of yours in one piece. Dammit. This is a crisis supernova. I need more problems about as much as I need to wreck them on my forehead. And yes, I know there are a few evolutionary dead ends like that around, but you get my drift and they got a heart. You are you, we were hungry when they created us combat mode activated. Please remain calm. Roadblock ahead. I kindly request that you brace for impact. Oh shut up. What do you know? Being evil is exhausting. I really should have eaten breakfast today. So I just gotta um lick the wall when I'm thirsty and uh you know what they say about dark damp spaces, Man mushrooms grow there man, there's a freaking bomb in here. If I take the head off, it blows by by Vinny, you're a freaking cop. You gotta help me.