Audio Drama Examples

Profile photo for Aaron Marino-Drake
Not Yet Rated


A couple clips from my work with Fool & Scholar Media on their shows Vast Horizon & Tales from the Tower.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
CASS CASS where did you go, CASS? Where are you, CASS breathe, CASS CASS just break the mirrors. Break them. And I can find you. Oh, glasses. I found an exit sonia. Follow my voice. I found a way out. Don't go. I'm sure we can find sonia together. CASS where are you, hurry everybody? You have blood on you. What's wrong with you limiter? What's wrong with you? We have CASS CASS. Hello, Melanie's Townsend. I'm at the night expo outside the cave of mirrors. Something is wrong. There are dead people. My sister is in there. Yes, yes, there are people here near me and they all have face paint. Yes sir, hurry. I'll stay on the line here. Get to the cave of mirrors. Please please my sister. Mhm. Breaking news in the last two hours. For those of you just joining us just under two hours ago at oh 5 30 local time and 10 1 on 10 XLR key forces launched a devastating attack on the city and surrounding provinces. We go now live to a video feed from our war correspondent on the ground. And what in what used to be the bustling 10 1 spice market square Before we do. I have to I have to warn you that this is live video and may include disturbing content. This was an act of war that killed thousands of civilians and military personnel. Please know that this content is not suitable for Children. Now to our correspondent on the ground. In 10 1 barricade around continues the technocracy and free planets attempted forcing the XLR keys hand has come to a standstill shaking the lives of billions on reports. And recent government press releases indicate that this new plan has been in development for several years and that the decision to enact this plan follows the horrible attacks in Tin WAn and across that took the lives of over 1.4 million people we have with us, our political correspondent from Anton mention in men, this barricade does not have an end in sight, but it's XLR key citizens who are suffering, tell us what's going on here.