Brand Video Narration

Video Narration


Narration for a Brand video

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


African (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's gonna be ok. It doesn't feel that way. Does it when days seem endless? And the noise is too loud to bear with the world weighing down on your chest, heavy breathing, empty stairs. But remember you've gathered the strength before time and time again. This day is a brand new one, another chance for another goal. And today you're a little stronger and a lot more ready. So, is that a glimmer of hope? I see that thing bears the weight of mountains. So hearts continue to beat. It turns the purest of intentions into the most impactful of actions. It breaks barriers and builds bridges. It laughs in the face of the impossibles. It's gonna be ok. It doesn't feel that way. Does it when days seem endless? And the noise is too loud to bear with the world weighed down in your chest, heavy breathing, empty stairs. But remember you've gathered the strength before time and time again, this day is a brand new one, another chance for another go. And today you're a little stronger and a lot more ready. So, is that a glimmer of a hope? I see that thing bears the weight of mountains. So hearts continue to beat. It turns the purest of intentions into the most impactful of actions. It breaks barriers and builds bridges. It laughs in the face of the impossibles.