Documentary Narrative Reel

Profile photo for Adam Jackson-Smith
Not Yet Rated


Informed, classy and engaging Documentary read.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Petersburg for over 200 years, the capital of imperial Russia in 1916 with the empire locked in a disastrous war on on the verge of a shattering revolution. Since Petersburg teamed with rumours about a man they called TMU, the dark one Grigory Rasputin, they said he was a lustful, mad monk, Ah, holy devil who preached the word of God and practised every form of corruption. They said he had hypnotised the mighty czar and seduced his wife, Zarina. Even when he was alive, Legend replaced reality and storeys about Rasputin. His bizarre death only confirmed his reputation is the very embodiment of evil, a reputation which endures to this day over 100 years on. In this series, we discover the truth about the rise of Grigory Rasputin, the events leading to his untimely death on the end of one of the largest empires in world history.