Narration Demo

Profile photo for Alan Ezarik
Not Yet Rated


Ability to inform

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the days before the Oklahoma Land Rush group of settlers arrived early and hit some of the most choice home states. Then, in the morning of April 22nd 18 89 that came out of hiding and planted flags claiming legal ownership, they became known as Sooners. Kids with autism aren't less than just different. Children who receive an early diagnosis and appropriate intervention have the best possible outcome. So it's important to talk to your pediatrician about routine screening and autism. Screening is simple and takes less than five minutes. It can help you and your doctor learn whether your child is showing delays or deficits in the two core areas related to autism spectrum disorder, social communication and social interaction, and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. An object can't be in two places at once, right? If you're sitting in a chair on one side of a room, that same chair cannot be simultaneously located on the other side of the room or can at the molecular level. Researchers have shown that a single atom can occupy two locations at the same time. This revolutionary discovery has led to a whole new branch of physics. Quantum mechanics Arnold Palmer wasn't born into privilege. His family didn't belong to an elite country club, and he never got private lessons. He was lucky in one big way. His father, Deacon Palmer, was the greenskeeper at the local golf course in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and so, while his father mowed grass, young Arnold learned to play.