True ghost story sortened drastically!

Profile photo for Alan Smith
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Natural speaking voice from Northern England

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Senior (55+)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ghostly feelings by Alan Smith As undertakers, we were called to a large rumbling old mansion house deep in the house of Lancaster. We were required to go the grand staircase at the staircase in house like this were 48 inches wide. Normal case. So this maid carrying their empty coffin very easily. Halfway up the stairs, there was a turning to allow the ascendance to turn 90 degrees to the right. Now this right angle turn was placed to merit. Now the dimensions of the mirror were four foot wine by nine feet tall. It was a big mirror by any standards. It was originally installed for the Lady of the House to push themselves up whilst on the way down to the ball, which happen frequently in those far flung days when he came to dinner dances, the Mary did not have a friend. Now this is unusual in the fact that murders in those days normal frame building gold, the head of the family died. Samaras, earlier on the undertakers have been summoned. After the doctor pronounced the body was dead, it was a normal call. According to the undertakers, there was nothing seemingly on toward in this death. It was only after the undertakers that arrived. The problems began in years gone by. Past documents were supposedly witches. They had been attributed to having cause all manner of things to go wrong in the lock community. But that's another storey, the undertaker's with someone to the house and allowed to take the body back for embalming before being buried as the undertaker is, apprentices water the stairs with the coffin. A strange feeling came over one of them. It was like a free dress. Turn on my way, walking up the stairs, said all of the apprentice undertakers. As soon as we got up to the top of the stairs, the court feeling seemed to go away. The London more doctors off. Someone turned the heating back on again. He thought nothing more about it. It was just about to open the door of the recently deceased route. The old Norse is an intense chill running through their bones. This is a true account of what happened in the following half hour. We asked the parliament on the butler if the eating was off. Of course, she said, it wasn't a NRI continued to go into the room of the deceased. This was a big mistake as far as we were concerned. As we open the door, it seemed as though we were in the bowels of the earth without the heat element. It was absolutely freezing. There is nothing wrong. The heating. It was just us always stepped into a freezer. We asked to be left alone to get on with what the normal person would call a gruesome task. He should have taken minutes, but it took an hour. The body was there on the bed. Words next bythe room seemed to be covered over nice. It was that cold. Then suddenly the room turned up again. The parliament had walked into the room of masters. If there was anything we required, I said that there was nothing she could do that May left to sue it. She walked out the door on something strange happened. The room went very cold, not just called. It was intensely cold. I turned to look at the deceased on the bed and told him in a light hearted way that we were here just to do our job. It was though the deceased