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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
orphanage Ghost Children missing before words can get your imagination going. Imagine an entire book. I noticed my neighbor placed a broken lawn chair by his curb. Naturally, I repaired it on the spot using cold formula poxy, then took off my shirt, laid down and took in the sun. When the family came home and saw guys sunning himself on their lawn, they yelled, Hey, you get out of our yard when we don't have the words we turn to touch. It's the warmth within the hand that holds the stethoscope, the trace of fingers on palms. Sometimes it's just checking in. Sometimes it's everything unnecessary. Repairs don't fly outside a repair shop. They should apply inside with minor key E. Inspection reports will know the issue and the fix. My Nikki doing car care, right? Thank you for the 1,000,000 times. It would have been easier to do it a little bit cheaper than what you knew was right. But you didn't. You said no. And in a world that screams at you to say yes to almost everything, what you choose to say no to makes all the difference