PSA Samples - Real Person - Conversational - Authoritative - Caring - Approachable - Genuine - Earnest - Grounded - Helpful - Narrator

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PSA - caring - authoritative - Real Person - Conversational - Approachable - Genuine - Earnest - Grounded - Helpful - Narrator

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
has this happened to you? You're at the park or your kid's school or the grocery store, and you see a parent disciplining their child. You're not sure. Have they crossed the line? We've all been there. It's natural to have doubts, but it's okay to offer to help. Apparent. It's also okay to report your concerns. If you suspect something's wrong, call 1844 c 04 kids. We can build a Colorado for kids together behind every face. There is a story. These people have stories about cancer. Every year, about 1.7 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer for them in their families, there is break away from cancer and its partners. Cancer Support Community for Education and Support, Prevent Cancer Foundation for Prevention Information, Patient Advocate Foundation for Insurance and Access Issues and the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship for quality care. Break away from cancer. No one should fight cancer alone because Comcast believes every household in the U. S. Should have Internet access. We created Internet Essentials, the nation's largest broadband adoption program, Since 2011 low income families have access to the opportunities made possible by having the Internet, we've helped thousands of local families in our community connect to the Internet and hundreds of families buy new computers in 2017 and 18 alone. And those numbers continue to grow yearly Comcast Internet essentials, enhancing four million low income Americans lives and connecting our communities to opportunities.