Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Alex Christopher
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


I voiced and sound designed this demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if your server is slowing your system it's time for change. Cisco has real time solutions. Welcome to the human network. Meaty, spicy and cheesy. What's not to like the grilled koso burrito from Taco Bell. Her meat and cheese lovers. Only for generations people have made their way to ST Josephs where the art of medicine has been perfected. Hope, healing, compassion. One action adventure. You've got it. Never a dull moment with G. I. Joe ready set engage as if smokers need another reason to quit. Studies show on average, smokers earn 20% less than nonsmokers so lighting up, we'll lighten your wallet, it's time to quit. It's back. Only this time the creatures have involved the action more intense and the gameplay, it doesn't feel like a game immerse yourself blood born to meet the one plus nine series with the camera provided by hasselblad considered by professionals is the finest camera in the world. One plus nine. Take your best shot this here all. Hallows eve will swing into full tilt mayhem at six flags hollow fest. Come on, come on. If you dare