Podcast Intro - Some Say: The Musical Theatre Debate Podcast

Profile photo for Alex Parrish
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Recently recorded intro for a new podcast developing with NYC musical theatre composers. Straightforward, warm, and inviting read to welcome back listeners and intrigue new ones.

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's up, everybody? I'm Alex Parrish. And welcome to some say musical theater debate Podcast. I'm joined today by two theater aficionados to discuss the polarizing musical Sunday in the Park With George, by James A. Pine and Stephen Sondheim. Now some say, it's a beautiful, impressionistic portrait of artistic genius with heartbreaking melodies and complex characters. And some say it's a monotonous hodgepodge. Have been yet with pretentious music and a second act that nobody needs. Because what are we? Musical theater geeks except extremes? Needless to say, my guests and I will get to the bottom of it. So settling for a musical throw down of composition, tension balance, light two. Nerdy, yeah, sure, I'll just get started.