Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Alexander Halpin
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A compilation of 6 commercial demos utilizing various voice techniques.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
let's get weird. I mean really really weird being weird and full of imagination is what makes science happen at the Keller science museum. Kids can dream up and create almost anything they want. Give your thanks this time by sending real food. Zimmerman's dot com is home for quirky and delicious, artisanal gift boxes, surprise someone you love with mountain cheeses, fresh lavender honeys, specialty olive oils and more. Ever since they got their Crane drop air humidifiers, they said they've been sleeping like this, waking up, rested, energized and radiant after a perfect night's sleep. I mean it's nice coming home for the holidays and seeing these two really doing well. Okay. I gotta get one of these from my place. Wait, what is a Craver? It's not just a person but a state of being. It's going beyond its road trip in two hours just to reach the nearest stack of sliders, craters are everywhere. They could be anyone, including you. Summer has arrived and that means hot days, tons of fun and everyone is dehydrated. Don't let that happen to you or your kids grab a low sugar, completely natural and flavor filled Capri Sun. Oh no, oh no, what? There's only one left and that nuns about to buy it, slap it out of our hands Now heavens, it's beautiful. I know right, tear off that rapper and dig in. Aren't you glad you listen to the voice in your head conduct bars, You'll do anything to get your hands on one. This is Alex happen. Thanks for listening.