

Extracts from different genre video games, dramatic, sinister, humorous, many accents, old and young characters, including aliens and pirates!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
uh, welcome. Welcome. Working last, William. We've being expecting you. Way took the liberty to prepare a room for you at the Kings Arms just down the street. Come on, Leader five, Compromise way Have multiple assault landing target. We'll take these horses. Peter Dover is two days hard, right? I'll make for the dolphins back. You head for London and give this letter to the Queen. Godspeed, my friend. Right? A few months ago, a black burger bound for Australia went on a reef in a storm off a desert island. And nobody but the mate go assure a life. Oh, my God. That's a nuclear explosion. You a Jedi? For you. Price is double Jed. I bring much trouble. Way Don't like travel's not good. Bad business. Very bad business. You pay now, then I bring ship way found to synthetic sample. You found synthetics? Christ, We had two cities on that ship. Yes, back demon. In the name of the Holy Church And all things sacred, I command you to leave this child and this house. Do not Why, priest, It is not my intention to major. You disobeyed a direct order from NATO Command. I'm holding you responsible for this man's death? Yes, sir. After we territory now, fool women are common. Took off in peace is our only a life on a play with my men. I'll get Martin quickly. We must assemble the holy orders, pay the ransom and secure the king's release. Make haste. There is no time to lose. You remember? Now would be a good time. Just imagine. I don't think this is a friendly dragon. Give me the name of your contact or I were food. This woman? No, no. Here there's Gus. May. You are a coward. You're lost. Shame on ancient evil has arisen from the shadows. Gathers his malice in flames Those who follow him to the north He has sent Agon door Cruel master of dark sorcery is to crush a ll Those who oppose way must stand firm, my friends to stem the consort and protect other people's our lands on a wall of middle earth. Serious? You're in a ******* laugh. Are you